Welcome to your main Blog page, where you will find links to fellow 'stoodent' blogs. Check in regularly as I will post links and resources here for your independent study. I hope you enjoy your course and have a very successful AS year. Mrs Sims x
Look carefully at the overlapping editing of the bridge sequence. Look also at the juxtaposition of shots. This montage technique is very different from classical Hollywood narrative, which is dictated by character as opposed to ideas.
Watch these two clips carefully. Make notes on use of sound, cinematography, mise -en-scene (setting, props, actors, costume and lighting) and editing.Look at how the shots are put together and the dramatic use of close up. How is tension created?
Ennio Morricone's sound track is very insistant, and extremely atmospheric. How does is combine with the images to create suspense. Pay particular attention to use of close up and framing.
Have you got an idea of how to create a gunfight in the Western genre style? You are going to work in groups to film a 'gunfight'.